Saturday, February 2, 2013

Update No. 2

(From Friday, February 1, 2013)

Sorry for not updating sooner...hard time getting to email today. But, Parrish's biopsy is scheduled for Monday. We have seen a team of doctors who have all been absolutely amazing. Thank you to UAB! Parrish is so lucky to be here--thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the transfer here happen.

For the biopsy, they will make a small incision in his chest and biopsy the tumor next to his heart. At the same time, they will drain the fluid around his lung. These procedures will require general anesthesia and they will likely leave a chest tube in to continue to let the lung drain.

Today, Parrish has gotten more tests--abdomen and pelvic CT, brain scan and an echocardiogram. After these, he will just be hanging out at UAB until Monday's surgery. Having his own little Super Bowl party, I am sure.

Once the pathology comes back (which likely will be mid-week), the doctors will formulate a treatment plan. The oncology team said again today that they think this is a lymphoma, but will know more after the biopsy. There will likely be additional tests and procedures sometime next week after Monday, including a spinal tap and bone marrow.

Again, thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. Please pray especially for some rest for Parrish and some peace for us both as we process all of the information and the "new normal" we are facing. Please pray for Ivey and Campbell. Their little worlds have been totally turned upside down...and Ivey recognizes this especially. It breaks my heart to see them upset and confused. Ivey did come visit today and loved seeing Parrish but definitely wants him home NOW. I agree!

Much love,

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