Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Hits Just Keep on Comin'

Parrish is doing much better! He had labs done yesterday, and the doctors pulled his PICC line out. They wanted to get it out as soon as possible to avoid infection, and they have to put a different type catheter in for the transplant. So, for a short time, he is tube-free! Today, he is at UAB for a variety of pre-transplant scans and tests. We still don't know when the transplant will be, but we are hoping to have an idea by tomorrow. It takes several days to read all of the scans/tests and then he has to have the catheter placed (outpatient surgery) and then start the high dose chemo. I will definitely keep y'all posted as we know more about the schedule.

In other news, as I mentioned last week, I was diagnosed with a staph infection--the cultures came back positive for MRSA staph aureus (the same thing that Parrish was treated for). It started with a bump in my eyebrow, and a dermatologist put me on oral antibiotics thinking it would quickly get better. There was improvement by Saturday, but then on Sunday morning, things got much worse. My eye was almost swollen shut, and it was very red and purple. By Monday, the swelling was into my cheek and sinus area, all on the right side of my face. It sort of looked like I had been punched (or that half of my face had become the Joker from Batman).  Either way, not a good look and very alarming. So, I went to a variety of doctors yesterday, most importantly an ophthalmologist, since the eye was at risk. She says that I have pre-septal cellulitis caused by MRSA staph. The septum is what protects the orbital wall, so it was a good thing I went when I did. The doctor quadrupled my antibiotic dose, but said that I might need to come in-patient for IV antibiotics if the oral ones won't do the trick. This morning, things aren't any better, so I am waiting on the doctor to call back with a plan. They can also cut into the eyebrow/eye area to drain and debread the infection. You can imagine how enticing that sounds to me right about now.

Needless to say, everyone is a little tense around here. The possibility of me having to go into the hospital, the fear of the risk this infection poses to some really crucial things (like my eye...), and the frustration with the BMT Unit for their lack of education, information and preventative care relating to staph have all made us edgy. 

It really does just feel like we are living under a black cloud...I mean, a family can only handle so much. I think we have hit our limit. (And yes, I do realize that all of these issues are first world problems, and that there are areas of the world and in our own backyards with much greater concerns. But, these first world problems feel very significant in our lives right now.) So, today, please pray for some clarity on the transplant calendar--that will give us all a plan to work with. And, please pray for my infection to heal quickly and without complication. Please pray for my mom (who is shouldering even more now) and for Ivey and Campbell (who continue to have their world turned upside down).

Much love,

PS--And before anyone even asks, heck no I am not posting a picture of my half Joker-like face! I am way too vain...and I don't want to be responsible for any nightmares it might cause.

***As an update, the doctor has admitted me in-patient for IV antibiotics (Vancomycin, in case anyone is curious). The hope is that 24 hours of IV meds will do the trick, but at the most, I will be here 48 hours. Will keep everyone posted!

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