Friday, June 21, 2013

Ten Years Ago Today...

For better. For worse. For richer. For poorer. In sickness. In health. There is no way that the two young people pictured above could remotely comprehend the significance those words would play in their lives. These past ten years, and especially this past year, we have truly lived our wedding vows out loud. Our picture-perfect wedding has led to a real and messy and magical and hard and wonderful and insane and nurturing and difficult and awesome marriage. Parrish and I have what I believe to be a true union, one that can't be shaken, even by cancer. It doesn't mean that things are perfect. I mean, let's face it, today isn't necessarily an ideal anniversary. Parrish is still on twice a day IV antibiotics, and I was diagnosed with staph aureus yesterday. In addition to a very swollen and drooping eye and generally feeling pretty crummy, I am on some serious oral antibiotics (and now live in fear that the boys or my mom will be the next to get this). Of course I would rather be on a beach somewhere with a fruity beverage in hand, reminiscing with Parrish about our special day. But, what the last six months have taught us is that this day is about so much more than a trip or jewelry or flowers or a sentimental card. This day is a celebration of ten years of growth, a thankfulness that we are both here to share in it, and a hopefulness for more years and more celebrations to come.

Happy tenth anniversary to my sweet, determined, loving, cancer-fighting husband!

Much love,

Some additional pictures to take everyone down memory lane...documented proof that ten years ago, Parrish had more hair, and I had less wrinkles.

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