Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Full House Again

Parrish came home late yesterday afternoon! Earlier than expected, which was a nice surprise for everyone. Of course, he had to return to UAB just a few hours later for his 2 hour IV infusion. I think that the doctors were so ready to get Parrish out of the hospital for fear of him getting another infection that they didn't quite think through the fact that he would have to turn right around and go back for his medicine. But, he is home...and Ivey and Campbell loved showing him their new house. They don't really remember him even being here, so they had a great time giving him the grand tour. And this morning, Ivey burst into our room just to make sure his Daddy was still there. A full house feels good to everyone.

We are working on the logistics of the infusions. Parrish has to have a 7 am and 7 pm two hour IV infusion each day for two weeks. Right now, he is having to go to the BMT unit at UAB, and since he can't drive, that means he is being shuttled back and forth. The hope is that the home health folks will come to the house today or tomorrow to train me (and my mom) in giving him the IV meds at home, at least some of the time. That would definitely help. I think the BMT folks want to lay eyes on his PICC line each day, just to make sure another infection isn't developing. When a person has a peripheral line, it is ripe for infection. And, once you get an infection like Parrish had, you are much more susceptible to more infection. So, he is going to be watched like a hawk by all involved.

In the midst of all of this, we are moving forward with Campbell's tube and adenoid surgery tomorrow. Sounds crazy, I know, but the little guy needs some relief from his ear and sinus issues. And, really, there isn't any good time for it to happen. So, I'll be at the children's hospital tomorrow with him. Prayers for a very smooth surgery. Tubes and adenoids are not at all a major surgery, but he will require a breathing tube because of the adenoid removal. And, handing your baby off to anesthesia is not easy, no matter how "routine" a surgery might be. In my world these days, no procedure feels routine. So, please pray for sweet C-man and for his worried mommy.

And, please continue to pray for Parrish. He is out of the hospital, but definitely not back to his old self. He is trying really hard, but still tires easily. And, he is still peaked. All to be expected, but I know he is ready to feel better. The continued antibiotics will help, as will rest. I pray that he will listen to his body and not feel the need to pretend to feel better than he does. 

Many thanks for all of your thoughts, prayers, emails, calls and texts this past week. We have felt so much love and support, and we couldn't have made it through this scary time without all of you.

Much love,

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