Sunday, August 4, 2013

Real Improvement

Parrish showed some improvement yesterday, but it was a day filled with another blood transfusion (of platelets), more morphine, a new antibiotic, increased fever, and continued pain, albeit somewhat less. Today, however, Parrish is showing real improvement. His white blood cell count is over 1,500, and he has been able to drink some liquids and even had a little bit of chicken broth. He is dressed and sitting in a chair. Huge! Granted, he is still on a continuous morphine clearly, he isn't pain free. But, his pain is manageable, and he is regaining some strength. Still a long way to go (despite the fact that people around here have started mentioning the "D" word...discharge). I've got news for them though, Parrish isn't ready to go home. Let's celebrate improvement today...let's celebrate sitting in a chair....let's celebrate sitting up, having eyes open (at times) and carrying on a short conversation. Let's not jump ten steps (or even a few days) down the road to discharge, because home brings a whole new set of challenges that I don't yet have the energy to face. Not all of us have had morphine to dull the searing pain of the last ten days...

So, here is to a day (and more days) of continued improvement!

Much love,

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