Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No News is Good News

I can tell from the texts and emails that my lack of posting is making people nervous! Don't worry, no news is good news (and a sign of how busy life is right now). Parrish is continuing to make progress. His blood counts have continued to improve and stabilize, and he is slowly getting some strength back. He still gets fatigued easily (who doesn't with a 2 and 4 year old around!), and he is still battling remnants of skin issues. But those are things that will get better with time. Now, if he could just gain some weight! Parrish still doesn't have a taste for much these days. He eats, of course, but more because he knows he has to. And, if you know Parrish, you know he loves food. I mean, loves food. So, it is very disorienting to have him so blah about it. Like everything else, it will take time for his taste buds to return, and until then, he just needs to keep eating, drinking and slowly putting on the pounds.
We are all trying to adjust to life with Parrish back home, but not back to his old self. It is hard on everyone. We aren't the family we used to be and can't do a lot of what we used to. As everyone heads back to school around here, I think we are all ready to head back to our normal routine. And while there are glimpses of normal...snippets that make me think that one day we'll be back there...we aren't there yet. Despite how much progress Parrish has made, there is still a long way to go (and potential set backs along the way). Just like it will take time for Parrish's body to completely heal, it will take time for our little family to do the same. We will get there, of course; I know we will. In the meantime, we continue to be thankful for each day's small victories and movement in the right direction.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy and I have been keeping up with your blog and praying. Always great to hear encouraging news about Parrish and the family!

    Pat Burke
