Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time Marches On

I just realized how long it has been since I last posted! Even in the midst of cancer, time marches on. That is one thing that is difficult to comprehend. I feel like time should stand still while Parrish's cancer battle continues. But, time doesn't stand still for much. So, while all the "business" of cancer has been going on (weekly blood work, check-ups, and more), life has also been going on. Campbell moved to a big boy bed and couldn't be more pleased with himself (although the migration doesn't seem to have improved his sleeping habits). Ivey and I took a quick "mommy/Ivey" overnight trip to Atlanta during his spring break. We went full speed ahead for 24 hours, and he hasn't quit talking about out special get-away. Now, Easter has somehow come and gone, and we are officially in spring. With more daylight, there are more hours in the day and more things to fill those hours. And, I'm having a hard time keeping up. The reality of life with cancer has started to sink in a lot more in the last couple of weeks, and to be honest, I'm just tired. The January adrenaline rush has long since faded, and now, we are all just trying to stay afloat in between Parrish's treatments (hence the lack of posts!). 

Thankfully, Parrish has done much better post-treatment this go 'round. He has felt better, his blood counts have been better, and he has been in a waaaaayyyy better mood (bonus for those of us who happen to live with him!). He also eats all.the.time. Seriously, it is like I'm living with a 15 year old boy or something. He can't get enough food. I guess it is good practice for what my life is going to be like with Ivey and Campbell in 12 years!

We did have a small blip earlier in the week. Parrish's platelets dropped by over 100,000 at his Wednesday blood work. All of his other counts looked great, but his platelets were at 20,000 (which would mean a transfusion). He was not happy...which is putting it mildly. But, they repeated his blood work Thursday afternoon, and his platelets had gone up. Incrementally, but up is up. So, he narrowly escaped a blood transfusion (again).

Tomorrow, Parrish has a PET scan and then bloodwork and a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. The plan is for him to go into the hospital Wednesday afternoon to begin the third round of treatment. Of course, I should probably put quotation marks around "plan" because we all know that is a relative term in the world of cancer treatment. 

We've had a perfect Easter weekend celebrating with family. Although time thus far has refused to stand still, I have worked on being still (as still as one can be with a 3 year old and 20 month old) and just enjoying the present...not looking too far into this week and what scans and treatment may bring...not thinking back to life pre-cancer and what might have been. Thankfully, I have had a weekend full of moments that remind me cancer or no cancer, we are truly blessed.

Happy Easter!


Just a few of the moments I managed to capture with my camera: 

You think he likes his bed??
Neighborhood Easter egg hunt!

Not so sure about egg hunting...

My Easter angels!

And, my Easter super hero (with a mouth full of chocolate).

Guess who found the golden egg!?

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