Saturday, February 2, 2013

Update No. 1

(From Thursday, January 31, 2013)

As most of you know, Parrish was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon. He had gone to his internal medicine doctor Wednesday morning about a persistent cough, some weight loss and fatigue. Parrish's blood oxygen levels were a little low, although within normal, but the doctor ordered a CT scan. That scan showed, among other things, fluid on his lungs, a tumor on his spleen and a slightly enlarged spleen and a large pericardial tumor (about the size of a softball next to his heart). That tumor is causing obstruction to the superior and inferior vena cava. Parrish had Hodgkin's lymphoma as a 17 year old, but has been cancer-free since then. However, given his history and how the tumors are presenting, the initial thought is that this is some sort of lymphoma--this is of course, just an initial, albeit educated, assumption.

Yesterday evening, Parrish was transferred to UAB where we have a team of doctors assessing the right course of action. While we need to have a biopsy done of the tumor(s) and the fluid drained from his lungs, we also need to make sure that Parrish's heart and arteries are stable, and the cardio-thoracic folks are making sure of that. Today, the doctors will likely do a biopsy, and we will know more once the pathology comes back (although, that report won't be back before next week).

I don't have a lot of answers or even anything definitive to report, but as the news spreads, I just wanted everyone to be aware. Parrish is actually feeling relatively normal--which doctors find miraculous (as if he needs any encouragement in calling himself a "medical miracle"). In true Parrish fashion, he is buttering up all the nurses and cracking jokes with the doctors. So, his spirits aren't daunted!

Thank you to everyone for all of your thoughts, prayers, emails, texts and phone calls. I haven't been able to respond to them all--but it means so much to me and Parrish. I will keep everyone posted in the coming days, and I would just ask you all to keep those prayers coming!

Much love,

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